Wi-Fi 7: The Next Frontier in Wireless Connectivity


  • Dr. A. Shaji George Independent Researcher, Chennai, Tamil Nadu, India
  • A. S. Hovan George Independent Researcher, Chennai, Tamil Nadu, India
  • Dr. T. Baskar Professor, Department of Physics, Shree Sathyam College of Engineering and Technology, Sankari Taluk, Tamil Nadu, India




Wi-Fi 7, Wireless technology, Data rates, Low latency, Network efficiency, Router infrastructure, Apple, IoT, Smart cities, Telemedicine


Wi-Fi 7 (802.11be) is poised to revolutionize the world of wireless connectivity by offering significant improvements in data rates, latency, and efficiency. As the next-generation wireless standard, it aims to address the ever-growing demand for faster and more reliable connections in both consumer and industrial applications. This survey paper delves into the key features of Wi-Fi 7, its potential impact on various sectors, and the current progress in its development and adoption. In addition, we examine the contributions of major industry players such as Apple, Intel, Qualcomm, Broadcom, and MediaTek in advancing and integrating Wi-Fi 7 technology. One of the most notable features of Wi-Fi 7 is its increased peak data rate, which is expected to be up to 40 Gbps, a significant leap from the Wi-Fi 6E's maximum data rate of 9.6 Gbps. This boost in speed is made possible by leveraging advanced modulation schemes, wider channel bandwidths, and enhanced multi-user multiple-input and multiple-output (MU-MIMO) capabilities. As a result, Wi-Fi 7 is set to deliver faster and more reliable connections for data-intensive applications such as high-resolution video streaming, augmented reality (AR), virtual reality (VR), and cloud-based services. Another key feature of Wi-Fi 7 is Multi-Link Operation (MLO), which allows devices to simultaneously connect and transmit data over multiple frequency bands or channels. This innovative approach significantly reduces latency, providing a seamless and high-quality user experience, particularly in time-sensitive applications like online gaming and real-time communication. Wi-Fi 7 also introduces Restricted Target Wake Time (RTWT), a technology that improves network efficiency by enabling routers to reserve bandwidth for specific types of data traffic. This feature ensures that critical data streams receive high priority, resulting in lower latency and better performance for mission-critical applications. Beyond its technical features, Wi-Fi 7 will have a profound impact on various industries. For instance, the automotive sector can benefit from faster and more reliable connections for vehicle-to-vehicle (V2V) and vehicle-to-infrastructure (V2I) communication. Additionally, Wi-Fi 7's low latency can provide significant improvements for AR/VR experiences, industrial automation, and robotics, enabling more efficient and safer operations in these fields. As Wi-Fi 7 continues to progress towards its final specification, major industry players are actively involved in its development and integration. Apple, for example, is expected to adopt Wi-Fi 7 in its future products and is reportedly working on in-house network connectivity solutions. Meanwhile, Intel, Qualcomm, Broadcom, and MediaTek are all contributing to Wi-Fi 7's development and plan to introduce support for the new standard in their products. In conclusion, Wi-Fi 7 promises to usher in a new era of wireless connectivity by offering significant improvements in data rates, latency, and efficiency. Its wide-ranging impact on consumer and industrial applications underscores the importance of this emerging technology. As the standard continues to evolve, the collaborative efforts of major industry players will be crucial in ensuring the successful advancement and integration of Wi-Fi 7 technology into the market.




How to Cite

Dr. A. Shaji George, A. S. Hovan George, & Dr. T. Baskar. (2023). Wi-Fi 7: The Next Frontier in Wireless Connectivity. Partners Universal International Innovation Journal, 1(4), 133–145. https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.8266217


