The Normal and Abnormal Condition of Doṣās in Āyurveda (Sāmya and Vaisāmya of Doṣās in Āyurveda)


  • Laxman Majhi Ph.D. Research Scholar, P.G. Department of Sanskrit, Utkal University, Vani Vihar, Bhubaneswar, Odisha, India



Doṣa, Āyurveda, tridoṣās, vāta, pitta, kapha, darśana, pramāṇa, Mānasika doṣās, Ṣārīrika doṣās, pañca mahābhūtas


In Āyurveda, the concept of "Doṣās" refers to three fundamental bio-energies (Vāta, Pitta, and Kapha) that govern physiological functions in the human body. When these energies are in balance, the body and mind are in a state of health. When imbalanced, it leads to various physical and mental conditions, including disease. In a normal state, the three Doṣās work together in harmony to maintain the health of an individual. However, an abnormal condition occurs when one or more of the Doṣās become excessive or deficient, leading to various disorders. An Ayurvedic practitioner uses this understanding of Doṣās to diagnose and treat illnesses by restoring the balance of these energies in the body. In Ayurveda, the doṣās are three fundamental energies or biological forces that govern the functioning of the body and mind. They are called Vāta, Pitta, and Kapha. In a normal, healthy state, the doṣās are balanced, but when one or more become imbalanced, it leads to a state of illness or disease. An excess or deficiency of any doṣās can result in physical, mental or emotional imbalances. For example, an excess of Vāta can cause dry skin, constipation and anxiety, while an excess of Kapha can cause weight gain and sluggishness. Similarly, an excess of Pitta can lead to acid reflux, skin rashes and anger issues. The ultimate goal of Ayurvedic treatment is to restore balance to the doṣās, which can be achieved through various means including diet, lifestyle modifications, herbal remedies and cleansing practices. Thus, understanding the normal and abnormal conditions of doṣās is crucial in the diagnosis and management of various health conditions in Ayurveda.




How to Cite

Laxman Majhi. (2023). The Normal and Abnormal Condition of Doṣās in Āyurveda (Sāmya and Vaisāmya of Doṣās in Āyurveda). Partners Universal International Innovation Journal, 1(6), 169–176.


